Autumn, Outch, Chinese Medicine

Autumn, Outch, & Chinese Medicine…Oh My!

I bet you’re wondering why in the world we would correlate these three things. Well, let me tell you, they are quite the triad! 

As Summer has come to a close and we move away from the activity and sun-filled summer days and into the cozy days and cool nights of Autumn, it is our body’s instinct to want to draw inwards. As the hours of daylight wane and the leaves begin their color change, we as humans also begin our transformation of letting go of the year and all that has occurred. 

In Chinese Medicine, Autumn is tied to the metal element. This element governs the lungs and large intestine, as well as our grief, sadness, the boundaries we are able to uphold for ourselves, our organizational duties, and the action of letting go. There is no better time to nurture these than now, as we are in the midst of this season. To do so one must take the time to look inwards, turn that introspection on to full power, and fine-tune what it is you are bringing with you into the new year and what you are leaving behind here in 2022. This is one of the number one ways to ensure your mental and physical health going into the winter months (“ahem”…healthy lungs equals a strong barrier towards cold & flu season) and the year ahead. 

But hey…of all things to let go of, Outch is not one of them! The drawing inwards we just spoke about also has to do with spending more time curled up on the couch and less time being active. Add the cooler weather on top of this and what do you get? Stiff joints! 

We are less active than we were in the Summer and we often retreat to our beds earlier in the evenings. As cooler weather blows in our joints stiffen up. You know those familiar symptoms of early morning cracks and pops, then the before bed tension and tightness throughout your muscles? Well, this is where Outch comes in! Being formulated with Chinese herbs that help move blood and qi, Outch is your go-to for those classic symptoms discussed. When qi and blood stagnate or cease their healthy flow of circulation, we feel pain. What also occurs is that those emotions of grief, sadness, and accumulated stress of the last year do not move freely out of us. Talk about emotional and physical pain!

So what do Autumn, Outch, and Chinese Medicine have in common? Well, as we move into a season in which it is vital for us to allow emotions to push through and out of us, and one in which we draw inwards and become more stagnant, it is essential for us to have Outch on hand. This not only ensures that our physical bodies are pain-free, but also that our qi keeps flowing so that our emotions are too!

On top of applying your Outch ointment daily, click here for an exercise that will make sure that your joints are moving fluid day & night.

For 10% off the 1000mg Extra Strength Roll-on, use promo code “FALL”

Click HERE to order today!

Promo code valid thru 10/31/22

Autumn, Outch, Chinese Medicine
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