‘Tis the season of New Year Resolutions. To get in the spirit, the team at Outch has compiled the best of the best fitness and wellness stories from 2018 to motivate you to reach you 2019 fitness goals.
First up we have the badass herself Latoya Shauntay Snell. In June of 2018 Gear Junkie, an outdoor industry publication dedicated to product reviews and the active-lifestyle world, published a story about Plus-Size Endurance Athletes L. Shauntay Snell. Snell is shattering the inaccessible world of ultra-marathons through her dedication and drive to the sport. In her Gear Junkie piece, Snell recalls on a devastating moment during the NYC Marathon when a spectator heckled her for being a plus-size runner. Snell said that this was a critical point in her life, “the anonymous stranger’s commentary could’ve ended my passion for long-distance running, but I decided to use it as fuel for future events.”
L. Shauntay Snell rocked 2018, competing in her first ever 100K race at the Javelina Jundred, as well as the NYC and Chicago marathons, and the Spartan Ultra Beast here in Breckenridge, Colorado. Snell is a badass adventurer. Model your 2019 goals after her.
Up next we have the incredible story of Extreme Endurance Athlete Jenny Davis. This past year, Davis began training to complete a solo 704-mile trek from Antarctica to the South Pole (it’s okay, our jaws dropped too). If she completes the journey in less than 38 days, 23 hours, and 5 minutes, she’ll break the world record.
This journey is not for the faint of heart. The South Pole sits at an altitude of 9,301 feet. However, with atmospheric pressure, it will feel more like 11,000 feet above sea level. In order to train for this trek Davis knew that it would require both mental and physical preparation. In an interview with SELF Magazine, Davis shared her training schedule which involves a mix of weight lifting boot camp classes, high-altitude cardio sessions, and eight-hour tire pulling sessions. Eight. Hours. Yeah, we cannot believe it either. In addition to the physical training that Davis has undergone, she has also cited nutrition and mental training as the most important aspects of her process.
At this very moment, Davis is in the thick of her incredible, unsupported, trek. You can follow her progress on her Instagram.
Finally, we’d like to give a shout out to Camille Herron, US ultrarunner who breaks world records fueled on tacos and beer. She is our hero. In December Herron competed in the Desert Solstice in Arizona. She ran 162.9 miles in 24 hours and completed the first 100 miles in 13 hours and 25 minutes, setting a new record on the track. Herron told the BBC that she, “walked a couple of laps while [she] ate Taco Bell and drank beer.” Camille Herron, we think you’re awesome. Keep on keeping on. You can read more about Herron and her diet here.
Our team at Outch is off to eat tacos, drink beer and pull some tires! Wishing you luck and adventure as you tackle your 2019 fitness and wellness goals.