World Mental Health Day
Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay and we at Outch want to take some time to acknowledge it. Often, the language around mental health seems far removed for many people. It is important to take some time to reevaluate how we think about mental health and mental illness. As the saying goes, “mental health can affect anyone any day of the year.” So what is World Mental Health Day? The World Health Organization defines it as a day dedicated to “[raising] awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.”
What does this mean to Outch? It means that we are not only checking in with ourselves and our team today, but that we also want to check in with our Outch Enthusiasts. We want to make sure that you are treating your mind and body well! It’s no secret that 2018 has been a heck of year, and like any year it has had some ups and downs. Maybe for some of you, 2018 has been harder than past years. If that is the case, it’s okay. You are almost through it, and we are here for you. It’s pretty clear to us that we could all benefit from taking time to care for our own mental health. For many of us, we don’t know what this looks like exactly. Fortunately for you, the team at Outch has put together a few tips to help you to prioritize your mental health.
1. Therapy for the modern age. (WorldMentalHealthDay)
So there’s this funky new app on the market, Basis, which offers a 45-minute phone or video session with a trained specialist for 35 dollars per session. That is about the price of one workout class. This app is no joke. It was founded by an ex-Uber executive and a Stanford psychologist. The team understands the urgency behind therapy sessions and makes therapy accessible for just about everyone.
2. Sweat Science.
Outside Magazine recently reported about a massive new study which confirmed that mental health benefits from exercise. The study, which was published in Lancet Psychiatry in August, drew on phone interview data from a massive U.S. survey called the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System between 2011 and 2015. The findings show that those who exercise 3 to 5 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes experienced a positive correlation with their mental health.
3. Eat some brain foods.
Your waistline is not the only thing affected by your diet. According to a 2015 study, Nutritional medicine as mainstream in psychiatry, your diet also affects how you think and feel. Your mental health is directly effected by what you put into your body. This means that being conscious about the foods you’re eating will have positive impacts on your mental health. Stick to the general healthy food — fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and whole grains — but don’t forget to eat foods like salmon, dark chocolate, berries, and dark greens too. They will not only improve your immune system, but also influence your mood and risk of depression.
4. Opt for a more holistic approach, like CBD, to curb anxiety and depression.
Several studies using animal models of anxiety and healthy volunteers clearly suggest an anxiolytic-like effect of CBD. In these studies, cannabidiol has proved to reduce anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder and researchers suggest that it may also be effective for panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Today is about the recognition that you have the power to create an environment for your own personal mental health that feels healthy, sustainable, and fulfilling.
Today is about recognizing that you have the power to create an environment for your own personal mental health that feels healthy, sustainable, and fulfilling. You can do a lot to control and contribute to your mental health, but we are always here for you! Take care of yourselves Outch Enthusiasts.